Saturday, July 29, 2006

Clouddog participant's article...

More coverage on Clouddog...

"If someone said the word ‘Clouddog’ to you, you would proably have the same expression that I did; slightly confused but a bit funny. But, Clouddog isn’t just a word that someone has made up; it has over the past three months become a name that most Year 12 students at HAHC would recognise. Clouddog is a charity founded by a woman named Teresa Brosnan. The charity aims to give teenagers the opportunity to realise how important conservation and protection of the
world is, before it is too late for them not to care. On the 9th of February, Teresa visited our school to tell us that Year 12 were being given the chance to apply for this opportunity.

However, the charity focuses on a rather more hands-on approach than boring lectures that have no impact on our lives. Instead we were being given the chance to apply to receive a scholarship from Clouddog to travel to South Africa for three weeks to find out for ourselves what it is really all about..." Read the full article by Kylie Coppin in The Haberdasher's Aske's Principal's Letter (page 5)

Learn more about Clouddog here.

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