Monday, June 25, 2007

WFUK is changing

Over the last three years the Wilderness Foundation UK has been growing - we are facilitating more trails than ever before, giving many more people the opportunity to directly experience the power of wild places; our portfolio of social programmes has been enhanced by the addition of a home grown programme to benefit vulnerable young people in Britain - TurnAround - and we are ever more active in our bid to protect the last remaining wilderness areas through our Wilderness Action programmes.

As the charity has grown and continues to grow, we need to take steps to protect the Trustees who have loyally given service to the Foundation, guiding it and helping to shape the organisation as you see it today, as well as everyone who works along side them - Director Jo Roberts, the staff and volunteers. We also need to ensure that we have everything in place to protect and benefit all those people who undertake a wilderness trail each year.

To this end, after a period of consultation and upon the passing of a resolution by the Board of Trustees, we are pleased to announce that The Wilderness Foundation UK has succesfully registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee. The new company has been granted charitable status by the Charity Commission and we will shortly be announcing our new charity and company numbers.

You may already have noticed our new branding on the top of our website header and on our blogsite and this will also be appearing on our official stationery. The new logo is based upon the branding of our sister organisations - the WFSA and Wild International and will help us to be more closely-associated with the other members of the Wilderness family. This will help us to raise the profile of our work here in the UK and both our and your contributions to protect wilderness will be better placed on the global stage.

While our legal status is changing, our philosophy stays the same - the Foundation will continue it's charitable aims to protect the world's last remaining wilderness areas. We remain a not-for-profit organisation working for Wilderness, Wildlife and People.

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