Monday, October 08, 2007

Essex Issues & Local edition of our Career in the Wilderness series

In the recent Campfire Questions with Graham Game we covered some of the challenges facing Essex.

Here's a follow-up - First a story from Monday's Guardian on the RPSB's conservation efforts in Essex:
Back to nature: £12m plan to let sea flood reclaimed land and recreate lost habitats

· Scheme could reverse 500 years of British history
· RSPB backs saltmarsh haven for rare wildlife
- Full story
Secondly, lots of our trails alumni want to make a difference in Wilderness conservation not to mention the environment in general - that's why we do everything we can to link them up with green opportunities when they return from trail. Most are posted directly to our Facebook Group but when it comes to career choices we thought the full readership might have interest in these local opportunities:
Further on the local front: You can learn more about managing coastal environments - and specifically the Essex Blackwater estuary in the OU's OpenLearn as mentioned amongst other resources in the Graham Game article.

Earlier in the career series:

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