Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Amazonia and Assynt in Scotland

RSA ScotlandWhilst we're waiting for confirmation on exactly where in South America the next World Wilderness Congress will take place - one could in the meantime take stock of what is happening in at least one corner of the Amazon:

Angus Millar Lecture 2006 - Monday 16 October 2006 - 6pm
Hawthornden Lecture Theatre, Weston Link, National Galleries of Scotland on the Mound, Edinburgh

Chair: Professor Aubrey Manning FRSE

Chris Clark, President, Associazione Amazonia Onlus and Vice President and Founder, Associacao Amazonia Brazil will debate issues relating to social enterprise and resilient communities with Bill Ritchie, Assynt Crofters Trust and Assynt Foundation after their respective illustrated presentations.

More info on Lecturelist and on the RSA Scotland website --> Events Programme.

For reference: 8th World Wilderness Congress - Resolution on Tropical Protected Areas

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